Batch statuses

This table describes the different payment batch statuses.

Status DescriptionNext possible status
Import in progress File is currently being imported into, the system is still validating the transactions.
A user can manually update the payment status to Rejected.
• Risk assessment
• Entered
• Rejected
DraftApplies to Manual Data Entry and Direct Debit Management batches. Transactions will be combined into one batch; however, the batch can still be amended before approving for submission.• Pre-entered
• Entered
• Risk assessment
Risk assessmentThis message is a pass through status for batches where Protect has been enabled. Protect scans payments for risk and reports back.
A user can manually update the payment status to Rejected.
• Entered
• Rejected
Pre-entered Applies to Manual Data Entry and Direct Debit Management batches. Batch is moving from draft to entered status.• Risk assessment
• Entered
Entered Batch has been created in Autopay Online Plus. You can now approve or reject the batch.
Manual Data Entry and Direct Debit Management batches can be edited, in which case the batch will return to draft status.
• Part approved
• Approved
• Rejected
• Draft
Approved Batch has been approved and is now ready to be sent.• Sent
• Held for escalation
• Rejected by Bacs
Part approvedMultiple level of approval is required based on payment profile permissions.• Approved
• Rejected
• Entered
Rejected Batch has been rejected, and can no longer be sent.

Reasons for a batch to be rejected would either be by the action of a user, Protect (if enabled) where the risk assessment has been set to error the batch or an incorrectly formatted file has been uploaded.

Batches can be edited after being rejected to correct the data and re-upload if required.
• Archived
• Draft
CommittedA status to confirm the file is ready for Bottomline to send at the next possible sweep.• Locked
• Approved
LockedThis status only appears on batches when Bottomline are completing the sweep, and are preparing the batch for submission.• Rejected
• Rejected by Bacs
• Sent
Sent File has been sent to Bacs and process confirmed complete.• Archived
Rejected by BacsFile has been rejected by Bacs during transmission process. Bacs server rejected the whole submission.• Archived
Held for escalationBottomline have submitted a Bacs/FPS file but there has been no final sign-off from the Bacs server that it has received all of the data.• Rejected (if not received by Bacs)
• Sent (if received by Bacs)
ArchivedData is archived. The file is no longer visible from the ‘Card’ view on the main Autopay Online Plus home screen and can only be seen on the ‘Grid’ view.No further action
WithdrawnUsers who have contacted their sponsoring bank to withdraw a payment file that has been sent to Bacs can manually update the status of the submission to Withdrawn. This allows users to easily reconcile their payments and help mitigate sending duplicates if the status is not updated on receipt.• Archived